Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025
The 'Pupil Premium' Grant was introduced by the government in April 2011. It was designed to give additional money to support schools in raising the attainment of children who receive free school meals, children in local authority care (Pupil Premium Plus), children who have been adopted (Pupil Premium Plus) or children from families who are serving in our forces. This eligibility also extends to children who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years (Ever-6 pupils).
These groups of children have been identified nationally as achieving at a lower level than children from less disadvantaged backgrounds, therefore the intention of Pupil Premium funding is to enable schools to offer enhanced provision and 'bridge the gap' between our most disadvantaged children and their non-disadvantaged peers.
You can find out more about the Government's policy for Pupil Premium funding here.
'Pupil Premium' Funding Per Child - Academic Year 2024-2025
Disadvantaged Pupils |
Pupil Premium Funding Per Pupil |
Pupils on Free School Meals (Current & 'Ever-6') - Primary Age |
£1,480 |
Pupils on Free School Meals (Current & 'Ever-6') - Secondary Age |
£1050 |
Looked After Children (LAC) - Pupil Premium Plus (Defined in the Children's Act 1989 as a child who is in the care of, or provided with accommodation by an English local authority) |
£2,570 |
Previously Looked After Children (Post LAC) - Pupil Premium Plus (Defined as children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangement order or a residence order) |
£2,570 |
Service Children (Pupils in year groups from Reception to Year 11 recorded as a current or 'Ever 6' service child or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence) |
£340 |